CHEAP NEARBY WOODS – 4.82 AC. $29,900
Wardensville, W. VA – Camp, build home or cabin, hunt, shoot, ride ATVs. All usable, gently rolling, close-in land, with tall trees and mountain views. Quick ‘n easy to reach near Winchester , Strasburg and I-81. Lake and river close by to fish, swim, canoe. Hurry. Similar lots once for up to $60,000. Only 2 lots available, each 3 to 5 city blocks in size. Steal 3.3 ac for just $24,900. 100% bank financing
DIRECTIONS FROM D.C. AREA: I-66 west to I-81 South to Rt. 55 west from Strasburg. Follow about 20 miles to Rt. 259 North at Wardensville. Sharp right on Rt. 259 to Hardy-Hampshire county line. Go about a mile to Kakapon Heights sign on left. Land is on left and right fronting private access roads. Print plat from web page for orientation. Tracts are not clearly marked.